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Our products
Every day, thousands of companies use our solutions to streamline the management of company infrastructure and resources and prevent data leaks. Learn more about our flagship products.
System for Whistleblowers
A system for receiving whistleblower reports from Whistleblowers in accordance with the provisions of Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and Council of October 23, 2019. It is primarily a secure channel for reporting irregularities occurring in organizations.
Innovative solutions based on artificial intelligence. Facilitate IT security management, having a real impact on securing data and evaluating employee activity. The project focuses on the research and development area of artificial intelligence (AI), in infrastructure management and IT security.
Aptiv Services Poland S.A.
“The software was successfully and timely implemented by BTC LLC, which also provided substantive training in the use of the system. The eAuditor system has significantly facilitated work in our company.”
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